CLON8 : Platho ƒórmes
CLON8 Spring Summer 2019 is inspired by the word ‘Platho’. The Greek verb ‘platho‘ which means ‘to mould’ or ‘to give form’ is the root of the word ‘Plastic’. Thus, from a broader aspect, we are surrounded by plastic both directly and metaphorically, we shape, define and give form to everything, not merely around us but likewise within us, our inner self our very own reality.
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CLON8 is a unique brand with a distinct identity, known for its intricate patterning techniques, re-worked fabrics, its strong shapes and lines, where organic, natural influences are always present.
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With their mix of creative cutting, design and texture, CLON8 ’s distinctive black clothes sum up effortless expression and self-confidence, while projecting a certain minimalist functionality.
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The thing that makes CLON8 ’s garments unique is that they can be personalised in original ways, helping women to communicate their complex characters. Our innovative clothes are purposely designed to be versatile; they can be adapted to create different and fresh looks, as we want women to be able to express their moods, their impulses, their spontaneity.
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The adjustable garments with their draping and layering features, their patterns and intricate details, are sensual and evocative, while at the same time being contemporary, minimalist and striking. The black clothes are highly functional and suit all seasons and occasions, due to their inbuilt ingenuity.
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CLON8 ’s name originates from the Ancient Greek word, κλών, meaning ‘twig’. When we think of cloning we think of new life, of plants, fungi and bacteria reproducing, of clonal colonies where genetically identical plants grow from a single ancestor. In Numerology, 8 represents balance; the number is both spiritual and materialistic in equal measures.
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So, CLON8 represents a natural system of growth, whereby one design leads to another through the miraculous processes of creativity and balance. And this process has infinite possibilities. Therefore, CLON8 is endless.
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The inspiration behind CLON8 is Angelika Chilikova. She was born in Kazakhstan – a land situated in central Asia, with vast steppes and sweeping views, a place of traditions and folk tales. Stemming from a long line of tailors and craftspeople, she is an intuitive and passionate designer.
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Raised in Greece – a country famous for its philosophy, art and drama – Angelika was immersed in its deep-thinking and religious culture, its rocky landscapes and breathtaking vistas. Drawing on this rich past, Angelika offers us a deep relationship with the earth and its elements through her use of natural, simple and ancient techniques.