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  • A’ Design Awards & Competition: Call for Submissions 2021-22

    Supporting design concept, research and innovation The Greek Designers® gladly announce the A’ Design Award & Competition Designers Call 2021- 2022. A’ Design Award & Competition is the Worlds’ largest annual juried design competition that honors best designers, architects, and design oriented companies internationally in a wide array of categories; from industrial design, architecture to product design award and fashion design, to push them …

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  • A’ Design Awards 2021: Winners Announced

    Supporting design concept, research and innovation The Greek Designers® gladly announce the A’ Design Award & Competition Winners 2021. Top designs from the 2020 – 2021 International A’ Design Competition as well as previously awarded works from past years are featured at the A’ Design Awards’ online gallery of winners A’ Design Award & Competition is the Worlds’ …

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  • Hearts of Cyrene

    The heart shape (♥) is an ideograph used to express the idea of the ‘heart’ in its metaphorical or symbolic sense as the center of emotion, including affection and love, especially romantic love. Far from resembling an anatomical heart, how did this popular symbol get its shape? The stylized, symmetrical heart symbols we see today date back to at least the 6th century BC, in the ancient Greek colony …

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  • Macedonian Topos

    Vergina is best known as the site of ancient Aigai (Αἰγαί, Latinized Aegae), the first capital of Macedonia. It was there when in 336 BC Philip II was assassinated in the theatre and Alexander the Great was proclaimed king. The ancient site was discovered in 1976 and excavated under the leadership of archaeologist Manolis Andronikos. The excavation unearthed the burial sites of many …

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  • OXI Day

    Oxi Day or Ohi Day is celebrated throughout Greece, Cyprus and the Greek communities around the world on 28th October each year. Oxi Day commemorates the rejection by Greek prime minister Ioannis Metaxas of the ultimatum made by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on 28th October 1940, the Hellenic counterattack against the invading Italian forces at …

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  • Alpha Beta

    The Greek Alphabet has been used to write the Greek language since the late 9th century BC or early 8th century BC. It was derived from the earlier Phoenician alphabet, and was the first alphabetic script to have distinct letters for vowels as well as consonants. In its classical and modern forms, the alphabet has …

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  • Donkey paths in Chora

    Donkeys have played a very important role in Greece’s past and especially in insular Greece. Donkeys have been a reliable partner for transporting goods , as well as, the main means of personal transportation around the island until less than a century ago. The donkey has been used for carrying olives, grapes, and other domestic …

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  • Timeless Female Figure

    An important feature of the Minoan culture is the social status afforded to women. Not only were women respected, they were also given positions of authority. One reason is that Minoan culture was very dependent on the children that women gave birth. Even the female deities of the Minoan religion seem to be dominant and …

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  • Smile + Inverted Smile

    The Greek Carnival is special and unique because customs date back to the pagan world of ancient Greece. During ancient times, there were celebrations at this time of year to commemorate the end of winter and the coming of spring which were associated with the worship of Dionysus, the God of Wine, Feast and Theatre. …

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  • Woman In The Mirror

    Dimitris Mytaras was a Greek artist who is considered one of the important Greek painters of the 20th century. His work was mainly inspired by the human figure, and a combination of naturalism and expressionism. Mytaras studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1953 – 1957), under Yiannis Moralis. He had been professor at …

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