Alkioni Matsourdeli + Danai Gavrili
Every user creates a new ‘molecular’ experience by interacting with the design process. Circa 450 BC Empedocles imagined fundamental elements – fire, earth, air and water – and forces of attraction and repulsion allowing the elements to interact. Users get initiated to a unique experience by assembling a Lommer bag and choosing different elements to interact and shape different style combinations, based on their requirements.
Lommer‘s design philosophy is based on experimenting with different materials, without being prisoned by the original state, and the designers’ willing to satisfy daily life requirements due to ergonomic and adaptable products of Evafamily; a collection of several bags made of Eva foam, combined with seatbelts, lifting straps and yachting ropes. What characterizes the Evafamily collection is that the bags are not being produced by sewing, but by assembling with snaps.
The founders of Lommer are Danai Gavrili and Alkioni Matsourdeli, both Product designers, born and raised in Athens, Greece.
Danai, after her Bachelor in Product Design (Middlesex University’s program in Akto College), received her Masters in Design from Domus Academy (Milan), where she had entered with a scholarship. When she returned to Greece, she worked as a freelance designer, focusing on furniture.
Alkioni Matsourdeli also studied Product Design at Akto College (Middlesex University’s program) and Interior design at the Technical School of Athens. During her studies, she worked as the assistant of Yianni Bavarezo’s interior designer.